1. Open your My Disney Experience account online

Go to the 'My Disney Experience drop-down tab and choose My Photos.
Then click View media.
Once on the page, you’ll be able to view all the photographs taken as part of your memory maker experience.

2. Select your photos
At the top of the page hover on location and select 'view all locations'This will populate all the pictures you took in all the locations for the duration of your trip.
Note: Here you can also choose which location you would like if you want to download seperatly.

3. Hover Over A Photo & Select All Visible Media

When you hover over one of the photos on this page a small tick box will appear within the photo on the right-hand side. Select this tick box and a drop-down box should appear below the filter menu.
You’re now going to want to select the small tick-box on the right-hand side of the screen that states ‘select all visible media’. This is going to do exactly as it says, select all visible media.
Make sure all media is checked and ready for download.
4. Download All Your Photos From Disney’s PhotoPass
Once you’re happy that you’ve selected all the visible media, and all the photos on your Disney PhotoPass you can go ahead and click the large blue download button.
This will then start the download process. Depending on the number of photos and videos you have as well as your internet speed, this process could take anything up to 30 minutes.

5. Unzip the Folders

Once the downloads are complete you’ll find the zipped folders in the download section of your computer – alternatively where you specify internet downloads to be held within your computer/laptop.
You’re now going to want to unzip each folder to reveal its contents.
I will usually at this point move these unzipped folders to a new folder on my computer - labeled
EX: '2021 Disney Trip'
6. View Your Photos & Sort Them Within Your Computers / Laptops Hard Drive
Once you’ve unzipped the folders you’ll get a new folder in which you’ll be able to view the interior contents.